Wrong in the best way

Last week, I wrote to you about FAANG earnings, and I noted the volatility that this week in earnings season can cause. Now, at the end of the day, I always think it’s better to be overly cautious rather than overextended. The consequences of the latter are much worse. However, in this instance, I feel … Read more

I could throw a stone to new, all-time highs

Last week when we last spoke, I focused on the importance of acknowledging earnings season, and the volatility it tends to cause. I crossed my fingers and hoped for a market pullback on Monday and Tuesday this week, however, Mr. Market doesn’t always give me what I want… And the market continued stair-stepping higher. The … Read more

My Worst Week

They say in trading you shouldn’t be emotional — and they’re right. However, there’s something about when you get a good zinger that makes it hard to forget. There’s such a balance between: ‘don’t be emotional’ and ‘learn from your mistakes.’ Why am I talking about this today? Well, next week is FAANG earnings. Last … Read more

The anticipation of earnings

Here’s what’s been happening, here’s what I’ve been looking at, and here’s how you can trade it… When we last spoke, the S&P’s were stuck below the key level of resistance at 2900. Well, we got the catalyst we were looking for… bank earnings. So why am I highlighting this, and why should you care? … Read more

Chasing the Dream

We’re all chasing the same thing — financial freedom, and the ability to make money wherever you are with cash and an internet connection. This is what drove me to Simpler Trading to begin with. And, it’s (more than likely) what’s driving you now. It’s the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow… … Read more

How to trade news-related falls…

My step-by-step guide. Yesterday I took the time to give some examples of recent butterfly trades, but I wanted to highlight Boeing more than what I got to discuss yesterday. So let’s take a minute to dive into Boeing. As we all know, Boeing has been in the news on a daily basis due to … Read more

[Q&A]: Let’s talk butterflies…

Thank you to everyone who responded to my request in the last issue. If you remember, I asked which strategies you’d like to learn more about. Overwhelmingly, the response I got was butterflies. So for this issue, let’s go back and revisit one of my previous calls, to look at some trading examples. That way … Read more

Four Types of Options Trades

While I’ve been on vacation, the market has been rather sluggish — trading between 2800-2825 in the S&Ps (for the most part). While I prefer an explosive, directional market (who doesn’t!?), I also appreciate premium selling strategies, and more conservative, directional takes like butterflies and unbalanced butterflies. You have to think of the market like … Read more