In the Media

Stocks to watch during earnings

By Danielle Shay | May 4, 2020

  ‘Sell in May, go away’ is a term that is haunting me right now. The market has shown everyone extreme volatility lately, and the easy thing to do would be to sell and get out now. However, I think there would be major momentum moves I’d miss out on if I were to do … Read more

Retail is Hot – Let’s Look at COST, WMT and LOW

By Danielle Shay | May 1, 2020

Almost every sector of the market has been affected by COVID-19, and the retail sector is no exception. Most brick and mortar stores were operating with very slim margins to begin with and this pandemic has only made their situations more dire. However, even though a lot of companies are reeling from Coronavirus effects, some … Read more

The Effects of COVID-19 on April Tech Earnings

By Danielle Shay | April 27, 2020

A Friday Pin? Normally I prefer directional trades, but this week is really the first closer to range bound week we’ve seen in quite some time — with a key battle going on at $2800 in the S&P. Call buyers have loaded up, which to me is a good reason for the stagnation at this … Read more

Is it Time to Stock Pick?

By Danielle Shay | April 7, 2020

With all the uncertainty in the market, I find that everyone has the same question: When will it be time to start picking stocks? My simple answer– It depends on what time frame you’re looking at. Then ask yourself: are you a trader or an investor? As far as investing goes, I’m looking at Capri, … Read more